Just because…
OK, seeing as you didn’t ask ~ so I used to have a ‘photoblog’ thing, called ‘the plastic lens’. I registered that domain name because I liked photography with toy cameras. It had lots of photography I had made with analogue cameras and lots of words I had written on lots of stuff, mainly to do with photography.
This is something like the 23rd manifestation of it. Already I’m screwing it up by talking too much. All the photos on this thing are made by me, unless otherwise stated. A variety of cameras were used, I even say what ones on some images.
You might also find some of the music I create. Maybe. [Update – I have included some sonic content now]
Maybe I’ll share some of my graphic art. [Another Update – I have included some arty content now]
I would be very worried if anyone was waiting with bated breath for any of these things to occur.
To be continued…
In the meantime be considerate and nice to all living creatures and be nice to yourself.